Implementing Change
Our Seven Steps to Better Balance will provide you with a holistic view of your workplace which will also highlight priority areas for implementing change

Through our Seven Steps to Better Balance methodology you will be equipped with the necessary tools to roll out a holistic and robust D&I strategy. You will determine your short, medium and long term goals and how you will track and measure impact to hold yourself accountable.
What to expect
- Using our Seven Steps to Better Balance methodology to take a holistic view of your workplace you will uncover priority areas for implementing change
- We’ll take a detailed exploration of how to audit and review your processes, structures and systems to bake in conscious inclusion practices wherever possible
- Consider; Who will be responsible for owning and driving this agenda at the top? What strategies are right for your workplace? How will you open the door of opportunity / cascade throughout the organisation for your colleagues to drive from the bottom up?
- Goal setting & strategies to track and measure impact
*This is a journey that takes time. Changes must be meaningful and embedded to create impact, it is a process to build upon and learn as you go…
“We have had follow up meetings and focus groups with members of our senior leadership team who took the time to listen, act on and prioritise feedback. I don’t think this would have happened without these sessions, so thank you.”

Donna Petrie
Customer Success Manager, Hive HR
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